Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Tension Builds!!!

Just days away from the most anticipated golf event of the year! Dick attempts to find swing K-14 that captured the SugarLoaf Cup of 08. Mr. Right Wing reads his copy of Fearless Golf: Conquering the Mental Game for the 32nd time this month. Gayson rushes out to the chiropractor for a last minute adjustment. Scotty 7 falls to his knees and lifts up offerings Titleist golf balls to the golf gods in hopes of finding ANY game what-so-ever!

The 2009 Reunion Cup is hyped by the media as the most competitive Cup in history. Will it actually play out that way? Only time will tell. An anonymous source leaked that Gayson is suffering from sever back pain, in addition to annal leakage. Yes, anal leakage. This source alleges to have actually spotted Gayson in his black Tahoe, NAKED from the waist down, cleaning his butt with paper towels!!! If this story has any merit, I am not certain one will give Gayson more trouble, the back or the ass!

The first round of the 09 Reunion Cup will be played Friday morning, and Scotty Illustrated will be in Nashville to follow the players hole by hole! Keep on eye out for incredible photos and inside the ropes interviews!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find the EDITOR, what one might call "full of bs" I am not usre how "Annal Gayson", "Right Wing Drew" and "Who Knows Attorney" see the EDITOR of this newly founded Scotty Illustrated, but I am quite sure words just cannot describe the vocabulary(surely found in Statesboro library)the feelings of all the great golfers who formed this great CUP. NOt even TIN CUP could be a MEMBER OF THIS GROUP.
signed by PapaDawg