Much like Reno Raines, Cupcake is a man on the run. Reno was running from the police due to trumped up murder charges, while Cupcake is running from the Reunion Cup. Cupcake is scared to tee it up due to an alleged case of the shanks! Crying that he could not have the 09 Cup in July due to alleged travel restricts and lack of notice, Cupcake laid down the law and demanded the tournament be held in August. Who know that he had to have his vacation schedule approved by the Supreme Court in Washington and receive congressional approval? Cupcake has to face the field without the assistance of Bobby Sixkiller. A tour player who recently commented on the Cupcake date issue said, "I thought that all lawyers took Friday off. I had no idea that there was so much crime in Buford. I guess that Cupcake is always in court wrecking marriages." I only hope that Cupcake has that Reno toughness and resilience!
Yet another tour player is in the news this week as well. Mr. Right Wing*, the 1st exhibition player, claims, "I am hitting the ball so long I really do not know what to do! I mean, what do you do if you hit your 9 iron 150 yards? It's just hard when I hit the ball so long." The big news from the Right Wing* camp is his huge prediction! Mr. Right Wing recently told a Scotty Illustrated reporter, "...seed me whatever the hell you want! I don't give a rats ass! I will NEVER finish lower than second!" This is big, tough talk from the same man who choked and gave the tournament away 2 years running. Who knows, maybe another tour player sticks those words back down Mr. Right Wing's throat! Now, that is change that I would like to believe in!